Payment methods
Online payment
Online payment can be made with your personal or company card, in complete safety conditions. Payment by card is a safe method because your card data will not be stored by the processor, they being secured and encrypted.
To make the payment, you will enter your card number, the expiration date and the CVV2/CVC2 code (the last three digits written on the strip on the back, which also contains your signature).
Regardless of the currency you have in your account, transactions are made in lei, at the exchange rate of your bank.
Payment in cash on delivery system
Cash on delivery payment is made in full upon delivery of the order. In the case of delivery of products by couriers, payment will be made to the commissioner who makes the delivery.
Payment in installments
On the website you can pay for orders in installments without interest, depending on your shopping card.
Bank transfer (payment order)
After sending the order, you will receive all the necessary information that must be entered on the payment order. The order is delivered only after the payment is confirmed. To speed up the process, please contact us and send us a copy after the payment order.